Use our powerful Booking Wizard to find your nearest store and check availability for the dates you want to hire before you join for free.
To complete your HandyHire online booking, please have your driving licence details, payment card and mobile phone ready. It should only take a few minutes.
Present your Booking ID, physical driving licence (no photos or digital) and physical credit card to any member of the Bunnings Hire Shop Team to Pick Up an go!
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{{ activeStore.suburb }}
{{ activeStore.postal_code }}
*** Return your UTE within 1 hour and get 15kms FREE! ***
Please note, there is a young driver insurance surcharge of $16 per day for drivers aged 21-25.
Exterior DimensionsTolls – a day pass is available at the time of hire for $16.00 which will provide you with unlimited usage of toll roads throughout your hire. If the toll pass option is declined at the start of the rental but toll roads and/or bridges are used during the rental period, the hirer will be charged each toll fee plus an administrative fee of $30 per toll incurred.
Drivers – to comply with insurance requirements, all drivers must be 21 - 85 years of age (excesses apply) and hold a full, unrestricted driver’s licence. Sorry no ‘L’ or ‘P’ plate licence holders or ‘E’ plates. Please be aware you must have the physical hard copy of your drivers licence to be able to hire. No digital or photos at this time.
Deposit – all hires need to pay a deposit on a credit/debit card credit account only on commencement of hire. The Physical copy of the card must be present at time of hire. The credit card holder must be the driver. Standard Deposit: $500.
Payment of rental charges – estimated rental charges are to be paid on the commencement of hire. If a hirer wishes to extend their hire period, they must contact the place of hire and obtain prior approval to ensure the vehicle is not otherwise booked. The extended period must be paid in advance in order to comply with our terms and conditions of hire and for continued insurance cover.
Fuel – all vehicles must be refuelled to the same level when taken. Eg. hired with full tank – return with full tank. Sighting of your fuel receipt will be requested to ensure vehicle has been refuelled with correct grade of fuel. If hirer does not refuel, additional charges will be incurred.
Additional drivers – our rates are inclusive of one driver. If there will be additional drivers, they must be noted on the hire agreement and a charge of $10 per additional driver per day applies. Should a person other than the noted drivers drive our vehicle, they will not be covered under insurance.
Insurance – all hires include our Standard excess of $5500 this is included on all hires unless Insurance Excess Reduction has been purchased.
Insurance Excess Reduction – the standard excess of $5500 may be reduced by paying an Insurance Excess Reduction fee of $42 per day; for drivers aged 21-25yrs this will reduce the excess to $1500, for drivers 25-75yrs this will reduce the excess to $1100, for drivers 75-85yrs this will reduce the excess to $1750. The Insurance Excess Reduction charge includes puncture and windscreen cover for the hire period.
Single vehicle incident, recovery or impoundment liability – This is an additional $2000 excess that cannot be reduced, payable if the vehicle is involved in an accident where another driver or vehicle can not be identified; or where permissible weight loadings have been exceeded; or where the vehicle has sustained overhead and/or underbody damage; or where the vehicle is impounded; or where the vehicle has been recovered.
Payment of insurance excess – applies in the event of any damage to our vehicle and/or any accident/incident our vehicle may have been involved in whilst on hire, regardless of fault.
Vehicle condition – all vehicles must be returned in a clean and presentable condition. If the vehicle is returned dirty and/or there is cigarette or unpleasant odours in the cab, a cleaning fee will be charged.
The test of good customer service is how a company deals with things when they go wrong.
Handy were exemplary when I had an accident.
Hiring a vehicle through Handy Rentals was a great experience! Not only is the price very competitive but the process was very efficient. The convenience of being able to access a Handy Ute through my local Bunnings store is fantastic. Thank you.
Very helpful and provided good information over the telephone. Paperwork easy to complete, the store staff advised of the best hire charges to keep costs down.The vehicle provided was near new and in clean condition.